Freitag, Dezember 28, 2007

Essay online

Grada Kilomba The Mask: Remembering Slavery, Understanding Trauma
By Grada Kilomba, writer and psychologist from the West African Islands Sao Tomé e Príncipe, works predominantly as a writer and as a lecturer to the topics: Psychoanalysis, Slavery, Colonialism, Trauma and Memory.

There is a mask, from which I heard many times during my childhood. The many recountings and the detailed descriptions seemed to warn me that those were not simple facts of the past, but living memories buried in our psyche, ready to be told. Today, I want to re-tell them. I want to speak about that brutal mask of speechlessness.

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2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

OMG ...und ich dachte ich kenn mich aus....
man lernt nie aus.


...nun gut , weiter im text...

Victory-a X hat gesagt…

Von Grada kann man eine ganze Menge lernen! Bin ein großer Fan und warte sehnsüchtig auf ihr Buch...