Montag, November 17, 2008

Beatrice Achaleke erhält Bundesehrenzeichen

Glücklicherweise gibt es nicht nur schlimme News aus Österreich, sondern auch positive. Der Einsatz von Beatrice Achaleke, die u.a. das Black European Women's Council initiiert hat, erhielt kürzlich das österreichische Bundesehrenzeichen. BLACKprint gratuliert herzlich!

Hier die offizielle Mitteilung:

On Friday 7^th of November 2008 Beatrice Achaleke, executive Director of AFRA and initiator of the Black European Women?s Council, received the Decoration of the Federal Republic of Austria (Öster. Bundesehrenzeichen) 2008 for her honorary intercultural work in the context of the European Year of the Intercultural Dialogue. Along with Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi, Ceija Stojka and many others Beatrice Achaleke was honoured in the premises of the Austrian National Library in Vienna with the golden Symbol of a waterdrop that is touching the surface and in doing so creating many, many waves. Just like the work she and others are willingly doing every day. In her speech, which Beatrice Achaleke held on behalf of all the honoraries of that day, she pointed out that she is very proud to be decorated in a historic week, referring to Barack Obama?s outstanding victory on the 4^th of November 2008 as the first Afro-American to be elected president of the United States. Beatrice Achaleke hopes that with this major step intercultural engagement and integration gets a boost in the right direction.
In stressing out that she alone was certainly not able to speak sufficiently for all the honoured people she accented the diversity of the ideas, projects and people involved. For her the diversity embodied by the decorated persons is evidence of competences, convictions and the readiness of the persons honored to work together for an Austria that stands for equal chances, Intercultural Dialogue and partizipation.
Hier ein Interview mit Beatrice über ihr Engagement und die Situation Schwarzer Frauen in der EU:

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